平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001
ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001
ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001
??? LCD | 14HD |
??? CPU | PMD3560M |
??? RAM | 1*4G |
??? HDD | 500_7.2K |
??? 光碟機 | SM |
??? 作業系統 | 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001 |
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ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001
相關 ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001
盡量要快!! 更新: 要好長細!!
金: 密度:19300 kg/m32 硬度:.5 顏色:金黃色 地殼含量:5×10-7% 銀: 密度:10490 kg/m3 硬度:2.5 顏色:帶光澤白金屬 地殼含量 1×10-5 % 金比銀的密度高以及較硬,而且較含量低所以價格都較高.當然顏色不同 金: 原子量:196.966569(4)原子量單位 晶體結構:體新立方格 銀: 原子量:107.8683 原子量單位 晶體結構:面心立方 金的質量比銀高.而晶體形狀不同 金: 熔點:1337.33K(1064.18 °C) 沸點:3129K(2856°C) 聲速:1740 m/s(293.15K) 銀: 熔點:1234.93 K(961.78 °C) 沸點:2435 K(2162 °C) 聲速:2600 m/s(293.15K) 金的熔點和沸點比銀高,而傳聲都較快 金: 比熱:128 J/(kg·K) 電導率:45.2×106/(米歐姆) 熱導率:317 W/(m·K) 銀: 比熱 232 J/(kg·K) 電導率 63×106/(米歐姆) 熱導率 429 W/(m·K) 銀的導電和導熱都較好,而銀加熱比金要較多的能量
The first difference between gold and silver is their color. Gold is yellow in color but silver is white. Gold and silver are in the same group in the period table. Their chemical properties are therfore more or less similar. Of course, gold is much more inert than silver. Gold can only be dissolved in aqua regia (niric acid + hydrochloric acid) but silver can simply dissolve in nitric acid. Gold will not tarnish but silver is redily react with sulfur containing compound and go tarnished. Their physical properties are also different. Gold has melting point of 1063C but silver is only 961C. Silver is slightly harder than gold. Due to the rareness of the gold, it is much more expensive than silver. In the commodity market, gold price around USD 630/oz but silver is only around USD 13/oz. However, both metals are financially important in the commercial market. Medicalwise, silver compound is long used as a 消毒劑 especially for the burnt wound. Gold compund is frequently used to cure the arthritis (關節炎). Gold mine is found more in South Africa, Australia, USA and Indonesia. Silver is found abundant in Mexico and China. I hope this information can help. For the rest, you can simply find in wikipedia.|||||金屬的活性序中,, 鉀,鈉,鈣,鎂,鋁,鋅,錢,鉛,[氫],銅,銀,金 2種同樣係唔可以同[O2],[稀酸],[水]有反應 金,銀,銅,鎂,鈉等都是巨型金屬結構 金屬原子的外層電子殼有可以自由流動的電子。 可以說,銀係活潑過金,外層電子殼銀也比金的自由|||||Gold is more chemically insert then silver Silver can undergo certain chemical reactions e.g. Ag+ Cl --->AgCl Almost no reaction occur for Gold 2006-12-23 22:01:37 補充: Gold is in a lower position of the "biochemical series"I'm not sure if it is called"biochemical series" ,but something similarcheck it out in your textbook|||||金和銀都是隱定的金屬|||||在價錢方面,金比銀貴。 在重量方面,銀比金重。 在硬度方面,銀比金硬。 希望可以幫到你。|||||兩樣都堅硬 but金少有 so more 貴|||||金有高的錢,銀少d!!!!
ACER TMP246M-M-P8KQ-001 筆記型電腦 14HD / PMD3560M / 1*4G / 500_7.2K / SM / 無OS-001/UN.VA8TA.001