平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039
[104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039
[104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039
Play in the market, learn mathematics and make friends in Hello Kitty Sweet Little Shops!
5 curricular mini games and 4 activities reinforce the learning; Visit all of the shops in one theme, complete up to 10 quests and earn friendship points to advance!
In the original Warcraft III, the Orcs have formed a deadly army called the Burning Legion. They threaten all of Azeroth -- use this new danger to form a power base for your nation
Side with the Orcs, Humans, Undead or Night Elves and fight for dominance in a fully-interactive 3D world
Create legenedary heroes that will complete quests and acquire items that advance your army
In Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne, a new threat called the Lich King has come to Azeroth. Take up arms and rush to battle yet one more time!
Expansion features all-new units, player-built shops & buildings, and powerful new magic abilities
Product Details
Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 10.5 x 1.3 inches ; 1.9 pounds
Media: Video Game
Release Date: September 19, 2003
Product Description
This epic pack includes 2002 Game of the Year, Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III Expansion: The Frozen Throne and official strategy guides for both games.
From the Manufacturer
The Warcraft III Battle Chest is the ultimate collection of the best-selling Blizzard strategy games. This set includes 2002 Game of the Year Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos, as well as the recently released and critically acclaimed follow-up - Warcraft III Expansion: The Frozen Throne. In addition to all these hours of epic adventure in the world of Azeroth, and limitless online fun on the Battle.net gaming site, the Battle Chest also contains strategy guides from Brady Games for both titles to help players dominate the battlefield. This collection is valued at over $75.00 sold separately, and is perfect for entering the epic war between the races of Azeroth and the demonic Burning Legion.
[104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039
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相關 [104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039
9月27日入伍大概是什麼時候才可以懇親阿 知識上的很多 感覺有點亂 更新: 給太后娘娘 我10/7要和同學一起去 我可以給你我的手機號碼 我們可以14日那次一起去阿 好嗎
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你好我是618T剛結訓的!! 基本上你們第一個禮拜是在營休息!! 第二個禮拜是你們的大懇喔!! 第三個禮拜是小懇!! 第四個禮拜~第五個禮拜和第六個禮拜是點放日喔!! 再來第七個禮拜就是結訓測驗囉!! 簡單的就是這樣!! 加油喔!! 懇親當天~親友如果可以早一點來的話就早一點 不然可會坐在餐廳傻傻得等喔!! 希望你新訓順心!!|||||真巧 你的問題跟我想問的問題是一樣的 世界真小 我男友也是9/27入伍 他是海艦 要一起去懇親嗎^^ 2007-09-29 09:31:23 補充: 謝謝你 因為我是想10/7那天去的說~ 要偷偷去..你男友是619梯的嗎? 你住台北嗎? 如果那天不方便沒關係啦 還是謝謝妳^^|||||等政在當大頭兵的人通隻或是部隊會寄通隻單最準 部隊如果不寄是會強迫新兵通知家屬的
[104美國直購] Warcraft III Battle Chest - PC/Mac $1039