平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738
[美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738
[美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738

Save money by using your favorite coffee and at the same time reduce the impact on the environment. 100% BPA free plastic.
No need to remove the Keurig filter holster; Simply fill the Ekobrew, place it in your machine and brew normally
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Ekobrew's unique design provides the very best coffee possible and our smooth interior makes clean up fast and easy.
Ekobrew is not compatible with the B30, B130, B150, B155, Mr Coffee BVMC-KG5 or Vue
Product Description
Size: 1-Count | Color: Brown
Ekobrew - Make Coffee, Not Trash
There are plenty of reasons for Keurig single serve brewer owners to buy an Ekobrew. But more than anything, the makers of Ekobrew think that making the Earth a better place to live is the best of all.
Ekobrew could have been packaged in one of many ways. It could have been packaged in non-biodegradable plastic - but that doesn't do a lot for saving the earth. It could have been packed in a cheap, disposable cardboard box. Instead, Ekobrew reusable filters come in attractive, high quality canisters that can be used to store or carry your Ekobrew. What's more, they are 100% biodegradable.
Do you own a Keurig Single Serve Brewer? There are Plenty of Reasons to Buy an Ekobrew:
No Holster Removal - There’s no need to remove the Keurig filter holster first. Just fill the Ekobrew chamber with coffee, close the lid, place in the Keurig holster and brew. That’s it.
A Greener Alternative - It is estimated that there are over 10 million Keurig machines in households today. Those machines will brew over 5 billion cups of coffee this year alone! Each time you use Ekobrew with your Keurig brewer, there is one less plastic and foil cup to pollute the earth.
Easy to Use - The Ekobrew was designed for ease of use. Sit the flat bottom on any flat surface, lift the easy open lid and fill with your favorite drip grind coffee. Snap the lid shut and Ekobrew fits perfectly in most Keurig brewers including the mini. After brewing, lift out of the holster using the heat resistant grips without getting burned. The smooth crevices in the brew chamber make clean up quick and easy.
Save Money - Why pay more? Instead of paying more than 60? a cup, you can use your own coffee with Ekobrew in your Keurig and save up to 80%! By using your own coffee, you spend less depending on the price per pound. Your cost is between 10? and 20?, saving you hundreds of dollars a year!
Freedom of Choice - The highest quality and best tasting coffees available today are from micro-roasters. Or maybe your tastes are simple and straightforward and you prefer a basic coffee with good value you've enjoyed for many years. Either way, you can use the coffee of your choice when you use Ekobrew with your Keurig brewer.
Freshness - Whether you buy whole bean coffee and grind at home or visit your local or online roaster and have it ground fresh, you can be sure that your coffee is the freshest possible grind.
Ekobrew Features:
Pre-infusion Cone allows water to gently soak the coffee before full extraction.
Heat Resistant Grips mean a safer and easier removal after brewing.
Dual Entry Points mean no removal of the Keurig filter holster.
Deep Brew Chamber means more water and a more complete coffee extraction.
Flat Bottom Design means easier, hands free filling and less waste.
Smooth Interior Ekobrew's smooth, rounded crevices mean quicker and easier cleaning after use.
High Quality Mesh allows for an optimal and consistent flow of coffee with each brew.
Silicone Seal Ekobrew uses a superior heat resistant o-ring seal made of silicone instead of rubber.
Low Tamp
Dispersion Cone
Heat Resistant Grips
Dual Entry Points
& Flat Bottom
Deep Brew Chamber
& Smooth Interior
High Quality Mesh
Silicone Seal
Product Description
Ekobrew is the ideal alternative to Keurig K-cups. The patent pending Ekobrew is a reusable filter made specifically for Keurig single cup brewers. The Ekobrew is easy to use and easy to clean and allows Keurig users to enjoy the coffee of their choice and save more than half on coffee. Because the Ekobrew is reusable, there is not plastic cup that will end up in a landfill. Ekobrew is easy to use and clean.
Product Details
Size: 1-Count | Color: Brown
Shipping Weight: 0.8 ounces
UPC: 064800306113 852748003061
Item model number: 852748003061

[美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738

相關 [美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738
為什麼辯色力異常要當兵(服常備役) 卻不能考軍校? 不都是當兵嗎...
司法院大法官釋字第 626 號 憲法第七條規定,人民在法律上一律平等;第一百五十九條復規定:「國民受教育之機會,一律平等。」旨在確保人民享有接受各階段教育之公平機會。中央警察大學九十一學年度研究所碩士班入學考試招生簡章第七點第二款及第八點第二款,以有無色盲決定能否取得入學資格之規定,係為培養理論與實務兼備之警察專門人才,並求教育資源之有效運用,藉以提升警政之素質,促進法治國家之發展,其欲達成之目的洵屬重要公共利益;因警察工作之範圍廣泛、內容繁雜,職務常須輪調,隨時可能發生判斷顏色之需要,色盲者因此確有不適合擔任警察之正當理由,是上開招生簡章之規定與其目的間尚非無實質關聯,與憲法第七條及第一百五十九條規定並無牴觸。 2011-12-18 12:41:54 補充: 軍校與警校都要從事特殊訓練. 以紅藍軍對抗. 若色盲...就分不清敵我. 2011-12-18 12:44:08 補充: 夜間教育要看信號彈. 顏色不一樣. 攻擊的種類也不一樣. 看錯了. 會死人的. 當兵就跟著別人一起衝. 不一樣的.
建義你當兵後當士官~ 然後改簽志願役!|||||當兵:是你的義務,所以只有不堪受訓的可以免役,而且不具公務員資格 軍校:是你的權利,考是可以考,只是體檢刷下來,並沒有不讓你考呀,而是體檢不及格不錄取,如果真連報考都不讓你報就有違憲的問題,何況軍校出來就具公務員資格所以在某些體格上要求嚴點並沒什麼,某些公職依然是有體格限制,這並沒有什麼
[美國直購 ShopUSA] Ekobrew Cup, 咖啡杯 Refillable K-Cup For Keurig K-Cup Brewers 852748003061 $738