平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 ASUS華碩 VIVO PCVM60-17U57PA 迷你電腦 i3-3217U/4G/500G/Win7P
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 ASUS華碩 VIVO PCVM60-17U57PA 迷你電腦 i3-3217U/4G/500G/Win7P
ASUS華碩 VIVO PCVM60-17U57PA 迷你電腦 i3-3217U/4G/500G/Win7P
ASUS華碩 VIVO PCVM60-17U57PA 迷你電腦 i3-3217U/4G/500G/Win7P
ASUS?VivoPC (VM60)?802.11ac Wi-Fi 迷你電腦 -開箱即用的運算能力
Windows 8 或提供其他版本
搭載第三代 Intel? Core? 處理器系列
雙通道 DDR3 SO-DIMM(最高支援 16GB)
高速 802.11ac Wi-Fi 及行動裝置控制能力
SonicMaster 技術: 整合喇叭與音效調整軟體,呈現出優質音效
56mm 高,尺寸略微大於標準 DVD 盒

作業系統 | Win7 Pro |
CPU | Intel Core i3-3217U |
記憶體 | DDR3-1600 4GB(SO-DIMM) |
硬碟 | 500G |
電腦滑鼠 | None |
電腦鍵盤 | None |
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相關 ASUS華碩 VIVO PCVM60-17U57PA 迷你電腦 i3-3217U/4G/500G/Win7P
1.) Factorize a2次b+ab2次2.Round off 405.504 to(a) the nearest integer(b)2 decimal places(c)2 significant figures3.The total number of stamps owned by John and Mary is 300.If Mary buys 20 stamps from a post office,the number owned by her will be 4 times that owned by John>Find the number of stamps... 顯示更多 1.) Factorize a2次b+ab2次 2.Round off 405.504 to (a) the nearest integer (b)2 decimal places (c)2 significant figures 3.The total number of stamps owned by John and Mary is 300.If Mary buys 20 stamps from a post office,the number owned by her will be 4 times that owned by John>Find the number of stamps owned by John. 4.In a polar coordinate system,O is the pole. The polar coordinates of the points P and Q are (k,123度) and (24,213度)respectively,where k is a positive constant.It is given that PQ=25. (a) Is △OPQ a right-angled triangle? (b)Find the perimeter of △OPQ Please HELP!!Thank so muych!!!!
1) a2b + ab2 ab*a + ab*b = ab(a + b) ===== 2. (a) 406 (b) 405.50 (c) 410 ===== 3. Method 1 : Let n be the number of stamps owned by John. Then, the number of stamps owned by Mary = 300 - n (300 - n) + 20 = 4n 320 - n = 4n 5n = 320 n = 64 Hence, John owns 64 stamp. Method 2 : Let j be the number of stamps owned by John, and m be that owned by Mary. j + m = 300 ..... [1] m + 20 = 4j ..... [2] [1] - [2] : j - 20 = 300 - 4j 5j = 320 j = 64 Hence, John owns 64 stamp. ===== 4. (a) ∠QOP = 213° - 123° = 90° Hence, ΔOPQ is a right-angled triangle. (b) OP = k OQ = 24 PQ = 25 In right-angled ΔOPQ : OP2 + OQ2 = PQ2 k2 + 242 = 252 k2 = 252 - 242 k2 = 49 k = 7 or k = -7 (rejected) Perimeter of ΔOPQ = OP + OQ + PQ = 7 + 24 + 25 = 56 2012-09-08 19:43:32 補充: The reason of OP2 + OQ2 = PQ2 is Pythagoras' theorem.
1)a^2*b+a*b^2 =ab(a+b) 2a)406 2b)405.50 2c)410 3) Let the number of stamp John own to be x, then (300-x) is the number of stamp Mary originally own. (300-x)+20 = 4x 300-x+20 = 4x 320-x=4x 320=5x x=64 So, John own 64 stamps.|||||2) a) 406 b) 405.50 c) 400 3) 76
ASUS華碩 VIVO PCVM60-17U57PA 迷你電腦 i3-3217U/4G/500G/Win7P